Images included from Snack Pack 1:a cloud of dust, a group of dancers, a hail of bullets, a herd of elephants, a host of angels, a line of kings, a nest of mice, a pack of thieves, a ream of paper, a set of golf clubs, and a troop of apes.
Images included from Snack Pack 2: A bale of turtles, a bevy of girls, a board of directors, a brood of chickens, a chest of drawers, a colony of badgers, a flamboyance of flamingos, a forest of trees, a gang of prisoners, a stack of wood, a troop of scouts, and an album of photographs.
Images included from Fun Pack: A barrel of monkeys, a crash of rhinos, a murder of crows, a nest of rumors, a raft of otters, a rhumba of rattlesnakes, a shiver of sharks, a shower of rain, an army of frogs, an embarrassment of pandas, an exaggeration of fishermen, and an illusion of magicians.
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