Images included from pack 1: ball, basket, foot, pool, snow, basketball, football, pool ball (This is an open compound word - wanted to include it with the other balls.), snowball, man, snowman, rain, bow, coat, rainbow, raincoat, and a red plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 2: Sun, flower, glasses, sunflower, sunglasses, tea, cake, cup, pan, pot, cupcake, flowerpot, pancake, teacup, teapot, and a blue plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 3: fish, bowl, gold, star, fishbowl, goldfish, starfish, jelly, beans, jellybeans, jellyfish, fly, butter, dragon, butterfly, dragonfly, and a purple plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 4: book, mark, note, store, bookmark, bookstore, notebook, earth, worm, bookworm, earthworm, stick, candle, lip, candlestick, lipstick, and a green plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 5: house, bird, dog, light, birdhouse, doghouse, lighthouse, shoe, horse, lace, horseshoe, shoelace, crow, bar, scare, crowbar, and scarecrow, and a yellow plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 6: brush, hair, paint, tooth, hairbrush, paintbrush, toothbrush, board, chalk, score, skate, chalkboard, scoreboard, skateboard, box, mail, tool, mailbox, toolbox, and a light blue plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 7 (hyphenated): high, speed, tech, high-speed, high-tech, hand, empty, left, right, empty-handed, left-handed, right-handed, and a pink plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 8 (hyphenated): full, length, full-length, time, part, full-time, part-time, north, east, north-est, south, west, south-west, and a white plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 9 (open): peanut, butter, peanut butter, hot, dog, hot dog, web, page, web page, tree, house, tree house, full, moon, full moon, and an orange plus and minus sign.
Images included from pack 10 (open): voice, mail, voice mail, ice, cream, ice cream, coffee, mug, coffee mug, candy, cane, candy cane, table, cloth, table cloth, and a black plus and minus sign.
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